The tannur tea
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عروض فرن التنور الفخاري الكهربائي


Favorit Tea heater

Of the best types of heaters available in the local market very carefully chosen to endure the same excellent features for a long time . , Where he is the best heater for the work of green tea in the ancient Chinese way
About Boilers: boiler , a type of tools that are used in the kitchen. They are used to heat water or boiled . As in the past , the boilers were made ​​of metallic materials , such as copper , placed over the fire to become hot.
Now, boilers metal placed on the stove. Sometimes boilers are made ​​of porcelain or clay.
Some people use electric kettles, and when it is connected to electricity uses electricity to generate heat ,
And are often made of plastic or metal , and be faster than the boiler on the stove to heat water . And is often used for making te

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عن مؤسسة - abut us

صناعة الأجهزة الكهربائية والالكترونية وتجهيز المطابخ المركزية والمطاعم والفنادق. ترخيص صناعي رقم : 17620 . وتجارة الجملة والتجزئة الأجهزة الكهربائية والالكترونية والحاسبات وصيانتها والمواد الغذائية والشاي واستيرادها وتصديرها.

Manufacture of electrical and electronic devices and central processing Price, restaurants and hotels. Industrial License No.: 17620. Wholesale and retail electric and electronic devices, computers and maintenance, food, tea, imported and exported.

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